Yesterday afternoon I was on the phone to a friend, and starting to get tea ready. Ben came running into the room, totally naked! "Mum, Mum, there's a big problem! I've done a poo and wiped my bum, and when I flushed the water came up, so I put some more toilet paper in the loo, and flushed it again, and this time the water came up over the edge and now it's on the floor. Come quick!"
So of course I got off the phone and went to investigate. I could hear splashing sounds coming from the toilet, which was not a good sign, and Emily was in there having a look, along with her pyjama pants and Ben's trousers and undies, all of which were completely soaked in toilet water. The water was all over the tiles and about to reach the carpet in the hallway. Yuck! The water was right at the top of the bowl, and dripping over...
So the toilet is blocked until Neil can fix it- luckily we have two.
But it is kind of funny...
3 small children seemed a good idea at the time...
A Buckeye Legacy
6 years ago